The English and Spanish versions of my brief report of the Oxford Summer School “Animal Ethics and Law. Creating a positive change for animals” organised by the Oxford Centre for animal etcare available at the following link on website:
This year, at the end of July, the Oxford Center for Animal Ethics organized the Summer School entitled: Ethics and Animal Law: creating a positive change for Animals.
Three intense days of reports and round tables on Animal Law Studies (ALS). The Summer School was attended by people from all over the world and this helped create a constructive and very important confrontation to understand the results achieved and those that will be achieved in the short, medium and long term to free animals from human domination.
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Este año, a fines de julio, el Oxford Centre For Animal Ethics organizó la Summer School titulada: Ética y Derecho Animal: creando un cambio positivo para los Animales.
Tres intensos días de informes y mesas redondas sobre Animal Law Studies(ALS). A la Summer School asistieron personas de todo el mundo y esto ayudó a crear una confrontación constructiva y muy importante para comprender los resultados logrados y los que se lograrán a corto, mediano y largo plazo para liberar a los animales de la dominación humana.
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